An Intro to Proof of Ethic™ (PoE™)

Blockchain networks rely on consensus algorithms to secure and validate their networks. Bitcoin and Ethereum, among other protocols, often experience network congestion, spikes in fees, and halts due to inadequacies with their forms of consensus. Proof of Ethic™ was developed to solve these problems and provide a virtually unlimited scalability solution.   Proof of Ethic™ is […]

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Cardano and Proof of Stake

A consensus mechanism is a technique for ensuring the security of a distributed database and verifying entries. Proof-of-Stake (PoS) is one of the most popular consensus algorithms used by blockchain and cryptocurrency projects to secure their networks. Proof-of-Stake differs from Proof-of-Work in several ways, allowing for faster speeds and more efficient energy usage by changing […]

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Environmental Friendliness 

THE HELOTM BLOCKCHAIN REVOLUTIONIZES DIGITAL ASSETS BY PROVIDING THE MOST ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY BLOCKCHAIN  The HELO™ Blockchain is a highly efficient & performing blockchain that uses minimal amounts of energy. Proof of Ethic™, HELO™ Blockchain’s groundbreaking patented (pending) consensus algorithm, avoids the environmental shortcomings of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other Proof of Work blockchains without any major […]

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