The HELO™ blockchain is an enterprise solution and peer-to-peer payment platform utilizing cutting-edge blockchain technology to increase operational efficiency and reduce running costs. HELO™ allows anyone from independent vendors to multinational corporations to harness the potential of blockchain.
The blockchain and crypto landscape is rapidly changing. For example, Ethereum is currently preparing to switch from utilizing Proof of Work (PoW) to Proof of Stake (PoS), as a result of the merge of the Ethereum blockchain and the Beacon chain. Proof of Work’s model relies on computational investment and energy power, while Proof of Stake’s model relies on monetary investment. These top two consensus models are constantly battling each other for the top spot in users’ eyes, resulting in constant change and advancements. On the contrary, HELO™’s novel consensus algorithm, Proof of Ethic™ (PoE), relies on no tangible investment. It relies on positive, active participation in the network and will bring much-needed advancements to the blockchain landscape.
The HELO™ blockchain, powered by NuPay Technologies, is backed by a specialized team of innovative disruptors. NuPay’s team hails from professional backgrounds in tech, merchant services, corporate governance, banking, software development, sales, and marketing. HELO™ is working with PixlePlex, Hacken, Coindar, and Microsoft to develop this state-of-the-art blockchain technology.
NuPay Technologies focuses on developing innovative, eco-friendly blockchain products. Including the HELO™ blockchain, these powerful products provide accessibility, security, speed, and value to meet the ever-changing demands of businesses, communities, and individuals. HELO™ seeks to unlock the limitless potential of digital assets while having a minimal impact on the planet, all with the most scalable blockchain technology ever.
HELO™ and Proof of Ethic™ offer a solution to the “scalability trilemma” proposed by Vitalik Buterin, without any sharding or Layer 2 mechanisms. Proof of Ethic™ is a novel consensus algorithm offering optimizations in the five pillars of speed, security, decentralization, eco-friendliness, and monetary investment. Along with virtually zero carbon footprint or transaction fees, the algorithm is based on the principle of equality, so all nodes have an equal opportunity to generate the next block without the need for heavy capital investment. The combination of these features results in an eco-friendly, accessible, and egalitarian consensus.